Bash Colors: colorizing shell scripts Shell scripts commonly used ANSI escape codes for color output. Following table shows Numbers representing colors in Escape Sequences. Color Foreground Background Black 30 40 Red 31 41 Green 32 42 Yellow 33 43 Blue 34 44 Magenta 35 45 Cyan 36 46 White 37 47 The numbers in […]
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Author: Itai Ganot
How to: Fix daylight saving times differ...
How to: Fix daylight saving times differences in countries with special DST rules. This fix updates the current version of tzdata package as well as fixes the work with NTP servers 1. Install tzdata package using your favourite package manager (in my case it’s yum on a CentOS machine): yum install/update tzdata -y 2. When […]
5 Deadly Linux commands that can Destroy...
5 deadly linux commands that can destroy your System Here are 5 ways to destroy your system, learn and avoid :) deadly linux commands #1: Delete Everything rm -rf / Explanation : It is a combination of three keywords. First is : rm – It will remove all the files followed by this command. Second is […]
NjRAT setup:Hack Facebook, Twitter, Payp...
Tutorial: Setup NjRAT and Hack Facebook, Twitter, Paypal Password RAT, as we all know, is Remote Administration Tool. A tool which is used to hack computers remotely. It is mostly used for malicious purposes, such as controlling PC’s, stealing victims data, deleting or editing some files. You can only infect someone by sending him file […]
auto login between Linux machines
Tutorial: Allow auto login between Linux machines In my work, I create many shell scripts which automate different procedures. Sometimes, it is required that a script will be able to log into a remote machine and run some commands there or get files from the remote machine, so doing this “trick” will allow the script […]
Hacking Windows Using USB Stick + Social...
I found this tutorial in the hackingtutorial website, works great: Requirements : 1. Metasploit Framework 2. Operating System Windows or Linux (In Backtrack 5, metasploit already included inside) 3. social engineering toolkit Step By Step : 1. Open your console/terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and then change your working directory to/pentest/exploits/set. cd /pentest/exploits/set 2. Run your Social Engineering Toolkit using ./set command. 3. Choose […]