Armitage – A Step by Step guide on How to Use to Hack Windows with Backtrack 5 R2/3:

General description: MITM

MITM [Man in the middle] attacks from wikipedia:

The man-in-the-middle attack (often abbreviated MITM, MitM, MIM, MiM, MITMA) in cryptography and computer security is a form of active eavesdropping in which the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays messages between them, making them believe that they are talking directly to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire conversation is controlled by the attacker. The attacker must be able to intercept all messages going between the two victims and inject new ones, which is straightforward in many circumstances (for example, an attacker within reception range of an unencrypted Wi-Fi wireless access point, can insert himself as a man-in-the-middle).

A man-in-the-middle attack can succeed only when the attacker can impersonate each endpoint to the satisfaction of the other — it is an attack on mutual authentication (or lack thereof). Most cryptographic protocols include some form of endpointauthentication specifically to prevent MITM attacks. For example, SSL can authenticate one or both parties using a mutually trusted certification authority.

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In this tutorial I will:

  • Scan my whole lab network
  • map it using Armitage
  • set up a VNC viewer as my payload to view a target computer’s screen.

Note that this may not work if you have some antivirus software in your victim’s PC.

for those of you who are more of the optimistic – here is how to perform the attack by using Armitage automatic exploitation tools.


Armitage Requirements :

A Linux machine installed with MetaSploit Framework and Armitage

The versions used in this post:

  • Armitage ver. 1.47
  • Ubuntu 13.10

Although Armitage is one of the many tools included in Backtrack 5 rc2/3

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If you haven’t installed Armitage yet, please check out my Tutorial on How to install Metasploit framework and Armitage.

The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Start scanning the desired network
Step 2: Set the scan range address
Step 3: Lunch Attacks
Step 4: Targeting a victim machine
Step 5: Choosing the desired Payload
Step 6: Connect to the victim’s machine

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Let’s Begin:

Armitage guide Step 1 – Start scanning the desired network

Choose Hosts → MSF Scans… (You can also use Nmap scans)

MSF Scans

Scan desired network

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Armitage guide Step 2 – Set the scan range address

You can use a single IP address, CIDR notation or IP address range (e.g

Set the scan range address

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When the scan process finishes, all your network computers will be displayed with a background which matches each operating system.

Armitage guide Step 3 – Lunch Attacks

Armitage has automatic exploitation feature called Hail Mary. According to Armitage website :

If manual exploitation fails, you have the hail mary option. Attacks -> Hail Mary launches this feature.

Armitage’s Hail Mary feature is a smart db_autopwn. It:

  • finds exploits relevant to your targets
  • filters the exploits using known information and then sorts them into an optimal order.

In this case we will use the Attacks –> Hail Mary feature:

Attacks –> Hail Mary

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Attacks –> Hail Mary – In action

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even though you can also use manual exploitation for more specific targets:

Armitage exploitation manuals

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Armitage guide Step 4 – Targeting a victim machine

After Hail Mary finishes scanning the hosts and finds a vulnerable host on your network it will show a red color frame with lightnings on the vulnerable machine in the Armitage console.

if you found no vulnerable machine, then maybe you can try using a manual exploitation to exploit the target (like shown in the above image).


Armitage guide Step 5 – Choosing the desired Payload

Choose Meterpreter Payload

(Meterpreter enables users to control the screen of a device using VNC and to browse, upload and download files.)

Choosing the desired Payload

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Because the program already does most of the work for us (for major vulnerability and known vulnerability) we just need to connect to meterpreter which is ready to interact!

you can choose between Command Shell, Meterpreter Shell, or VNC. In this case, we will use VNC.

Armitage guide Step 6 – Connect to target machine

After choosing VNC desktop as a payload, there’s a pop up window which tells us to run VNC viewer to connect to our local address with a specific port(written there).

Now open up a new terminal and type vncviewer:port command to open a VNC session to the victim machine, like so:

Connect to target machine

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There’s your VNC window for target machine remote desktop

VNC for target machine remote desktop

I hope you liked this article, please feel free to leave comments, ask questions or sharing this article.

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